sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2013



Pumice was a water droplet living , along with many other droplets , in a beautiful cloud high in the sky . Now was the first day of classes and Pumita his way to school , very happy. There, along with his other friends learn many things , which all serve throughout his life. The teacher came into the classroom, where they were all students and began to roll .
- Droplet Fresquita
- Hail Redondito
- Here , Professor
- Well , moving on. Espumita Whitey ... - no answer - ? Espumita Whitey ? Did not he come ?
- Pumita , the teacher calls you Redondito Hail told him , to his friend who seemed to have listened to Professor Snow Frost .
-Present , sorry teacher, is that I often call Pumita and I have not been identified , when I was appointed .
'All right , Pumice , but you have to be more careful .
- Yes, Professor , I'll be more aware - Pumita long time not to hear his full name because her parents and friends always called her , in a loving way , or simply as Pumice Pumi .
Snow Professor Frost continued to pass the list, until all students were named .
- Well , since we're all going to start with the first lesson called us we travel to the land . First descent.
-Great! Descent to earth ! - Hail Redondito heard the elderly on the descent to earth , I felt admiration for those drops of water that had made ​​the trip and had returned telling fabulous stories .
- Yeah , Hail . Let's talk about what it will be this trip , you have not already done before , but autumn is approaching and it's time you go knowing the details of it , the teacher walked to the blackboard where he had written the words first descent land , and began to paint a picture -that I'm drawing a cloud , which is where we all live now. As you know , we live in the sky and we slowly moving us along with other clouds . Eventually, thousands of water droplets of this and other clouds descend to earth , we will shift , sometimes family falling water droplets , other family of hailstones and sometimes mine, that of snowflakes .
- Professor , and how is there on earth? - Hail asked Redondito
- It depends on where you go, there are places on earth that are authentic havens , others are full of buildings and cars , some places are clean , but in other places ...
- In other places ... ? What teacher ? - Pumita had been the concern of the teacher, it was clear that something feared.
- You see, my dear students , you know, we are water , we are the essence of life on earth , without us would be impossible for other beings subsisted , but a being who seems not to understand that.
- What is that teacher be ? - Droplet asked Fresquita .
- These are human beings .
- Humans ? What are they? - Pumita the teacher asked .
- Humans are made up , in large part , for many of us , without us people could not live , so we need greatly.
'But if we need both how they do not understand our importance ? - Hail Redondito was amazed with all the story .
I do not know , Hail . I think nobody really knows, is a paradox, how siéndoles so important to their lives we care so little.
'But Professor , what do they do for us to neglect that way we account? - Pumita wanted to know every detail of life down on earth and those beings who would know because soon fall was close and produce the first rains and lowering them down would take place .
- Well, you see Pumita , we went down to the earth in the form of pure water but when we got to them we mixed with chemicals causing us to become contaminated water, only a part of us survives the transformation.
- Contaminated water ? But how is that possible? Why? - Droplet Fresquita looked frightened .
- It is not understood , but that's what happens .
'Then we come to the land and most of us sick ...forever! - Hail felt a great panic .
- No hail , not all of us were in the earth forever , as you know , most of us return to the clouds. Some of you will spend a part of other beings , like humans , they drink water but others will pass to form puddles in cities then volatize , and others will spend part of rivers and seas.
Sounds like a fascinating journey . - Pumita said .
- Yes ... and full of dangers. - Hail Redondito looked scared .
Do not be afraid Hail , our existence is cause for rejoicing , without us , life would be difficult to continue , Snow Professor Frost had drawn on the blackboard , and the clouds , other drawings , which seemed the earth with its meadows and mountains where all kinds of living beings and indicated by arrows the route they would have to do the water droplets from the clouds to descend to earth and then re-ascend - soon the fall and with this new season will come the first rains then, make your first trip but do not be afraid , do not be alone , millions of others will accompany water droplets , sometimes the trips are softer and fall gently , sometimes are more intense rains and fall in large numbers and with great abruptness , but never be alone , be an exciting experience .Pumice with his friends continued with their classes until he reached the end of them , and had all the knowledge required to undertake that trip was part of a cycle of vital importance for life reach all corners of the Earth .

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